Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Slave Narratives and The Puritans
The student deepens understanding of literary works by relating them to their contemporary context or historical background, as well as to works from other time periods.
-  Ex. 1- Around John Smith time there was exploring going on.
Ex. 2- about thirty to forty years ago men tucked in their shirts, now majority of men where their shirt hanging out.
Ex. 3- about 100 years the first car was made of metal materials, forty years ago they changed and started making cars out of fiber glass.

1. How do we use emotion as a persuasive tool? - (Ex. Mr. Siegmund please give me a good grade, if not I will fail and I can’t graduate, and who knows what will happen to me and my family please.
2.  What is the difference between emotion and reason? Emotions- Is when you let your feels get in the way of your purpose Reason- When your facts is in the purpose

2.  How do their ideas of God differ?
(The Puritans believed that you were born with sin and that god hated everyone, and that only certain people would go to heaven and the rest will go to hell)
“God holds you in his hands between heaven and hell”
(In the story The Earth on the Turtle’s Back the god they see is caring and loving, also gave them a lot of things.)

3.   Does this sermon rely more on reason or emotion?  How do you know?
This sermon rely more on emotion, in the video they tell and show you how god treated them.
“There is the dreadful pit of glowing flames of the wrath of GOD, there hell’s gathing mouth wide open, nothing to stand a pond”    
(Jesus only died for a certain few people)

4. Johnathan Edwards relies on imagery and similies in "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".  How well can you identify them?  Provide one example of each
“He looks upon you as of nothing, but to be casted in to the fire” (Comparing god to an angry god)
“Fearnest of his wrath in HELL, done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger” 
(Clear image of hell blazing fires and the devil sitting in his chair pushing people into the fire)

5. Can you summarize the thoughts in the poem?  What tone does she take as she writes?
(She is saying why one of them should go to heaven; her husband is a good man so can both of them go to heaven. She also is saying that she can’t repay him for what he’s done so can the payment be that he goes to heaven. At the end of the poem she’s say (when they live no more, then we may live ever) She’s really saying when we die can we both live with each other in heaven.)
(She uses a tone like she’s praying so she is very com and relaxed)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

From Journal of the First Voyage to America
From The General History of Virginia
1.    How does someone's point of view affect how they portray events in a story? They input more things that make them look good to whomever their writing to. So that they can continue receiving their benefits (whatever their purpose is)
2.    What are the advantages of primary sources?  The disadvantages?
The advantages of primary sources is, they was their so they know the best logical answer to whatever question anyone have about their journey.   The disadvantages of primary sources is they could be lying about what really happen
    •                 One quotation that you think is valuable to history because only someone who was there at the time could describe the event that way-  I went ashore, and found no habitation save a single house, and that without an occupant; we had no doubt that the people had fled in terror at our approach, as the house was completely furnished. (I choose this quote because you would have to be their to know that they fled their homes and left them completely furnished.)

    • One quotation where you feel he is stretching the truth- This Island even exceeds the others in beauty and fertility. Groves of lofty and flourishing trees are abundant, as also large lakes, surrounded and overhung by the foliage, in a most enchanting manner. ( I choose this quote because he would tell his king and queen more then whats really going on he would exaggerate, so that the king and queen would think he doing

great so they send him more money and also send him out on more adventures).  
One quotation that you think is valuable to history because only someone who was there at the time could describe the event that way-   Being thus left to our fortunes, it fortuned that within ten days, scarce ten amougst us could either go or well stand, such extreme weakness and sickness oppressed us. ( I choose this quote because you would have had to be a primary source to know that they was really starving.)

One quotation where you feel he is stretching the truth- to Captain Smith, who by his own example, good words, and fair promises, set some to mow, others to bind thatch, some to build great houses, others to thatch them, himself always bearing the greatest task for his own share, so that in short time he provided most of them lodgings, neglecting any for himself…. ( I choose this quote because Smith tied to make it seem like he did for others, but at the end he did the greatest task of them all and ending him not having a home for himself, I thinking he had the biggest home out of all.

3.    Do you think the fact that these writings are biased in nature take away from their historical importance, or do you feel that the historical importance outweighs the way they were written?  Explain WHY you feel this way. – I think they are biased, because the adventures whatever their writing purpose was they wanted to look good to whomever their writing to, and so they could get good looks from their superior and achieve more things.

4.     Does your work address the standards and essential questions? How?  Give examples. – Yes, because I can identify subjective and objective quotes, A thousand different sorts of trees, with their fruit were to be met with, and a wonderfully delicious odor.

  •   Can you provide answers to the essential questions as they relate to the texts you read for this unit? Yes (look at number 1)